Messin’ with Texas


The Don’t Mess with Texas slogan is part of a campaign to combat littering throughout the state of Texas.

The idea that someones trash could tell you a story about who they are as a person interested me and I wanted to apply the same idea, but to cities. I sought out to photograph trash I found in high traffic areas in Texas cities. Choosing to only photograph cities in Texas came as a result of the famous Don’t Mess with Texas slogan aimed to prevent littering. As this series continues, I hope to see if there is a story to be told in the found trash in cities across Texas and highlight the very clear littering problem still facing the state. This goes without mentioning the large amounts of waste made by people that end up in places they shouldn’t, like oceans and landfills.

Yes, I did pick the trash up after photographing it.

Denton, TX


Galveston, TX


Houston, TX